These problems are better to use than other problems with hard proofs, as the full proofs aren't yet public (only the final numeric answer is), except for one problem, the "airline" problem. Thus, there likely was no contamination of the proofs of the AIMO problems on the training sets of R1 and o1. Solutions to the "airline" problem have been posted on the AIMO Kaggle discussion by contestants, and it caused a lot of confusion among them and seems very hard for humans too, arguably this could be even beyond national level and at IMO level. Even though it was the only problem with a public proof, so potentially contaminated training data, it interestingly was the problem on which all models failed.
In total, R1 alone generated over 150 pages of content for just 10 problems. Feel free to download it here, it is just a quick copy-paste of the outputs to an odt file (with the thinking parts in grey); no prompts are copied, and the order is the same as in the AIMO2 reference problem csv file. This much math is simply too much to inspect.